In the high-risk, fast-paced, fast-changing scenarios of our times, people determine the success of every company. Business results are driven by an unprecedented level of human factors: the ability to engage, the level of cooperation and the quality of shared decision-making.
Communication, which in pre-VUCA times meant but a series of easy-to-complete training modules, has come to the limelight of attention. In our word, the quality, speed and efficiency of transferring information, or showing leadership by behaviours are business-critical.
We at IBC understand the importance of communication as a future-forward leadership skill.
According to the World Economic Forum’s 2020 Future of Jobs survey, leadership and social influence will be the 6th must-have managerial competence by 2025. Developing managers into communicators and coaching them towards leveraging their social influencing potential is a major uptrend on the leadership development agendas.
To achieve all this, managers must put their learning strategies to a new perspective. Old-school training focused on skill, but this time the change need is targeted at ever-deeper levels of mindset and behaviour change.
We all feel these new tendencies in our daily work. HR departments are approached by ever-complex change requests, so choosing to solve a communication skills gap by a presentation training is no longer a comfortable option. Based on the conclusions of performance reviews and 360s, leaders are not suggested to do better; they are required to become better.
The shift in change need is also confirmed by the leaders themselves: they feel stuck in business-critical situations where their once-powerful coping strategies are no longer effective. Be it negotiations, stakeholder presentations, or project discussions, they are pressed to switch into never-before-seen, multiple-channel communication mode, and master fast, crystal clear, structured and efficient rhetoric.
This is why we at IBC ditched the old-school, skill development approach to training and switched to our uniquely designed, complex process, putting mindset and attitude in focus. At the level of verbal communication, we provide tools to find the words that persuade; at the nonverbal level, we coach presenters towards mind-body connection and make them aware of the physical side of the process. At the self-awareness level, we reconnect coachees to their inner core and build their personas around their inner set of values.
As a result, our clients reach a new level of their leadership potential, where they can use communication to drive business results. They experience a major inner transformation, that sparks the success of VUCA-world communication arenas: global team settings, multi-stakeholder video pitches, across-the-globe conflict resolution scenarios and lightning-fast, VC-based influencing and negotiating challenges.
This all sounds great, but how do you make it a case to approve? Is this measurable? What are your KPIs? How do you set up a time frame and ensure accountability? This is what our next article will be about. Stay tuned.
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