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Angol Kommunikációs Tréningek

Izgalmas, személyes vagy online kommunikációs tréningeket kínálunk azon érdeklődő szakembereknek és vezetőknek, akik szeretnék angol nyelvű prezentációs és tárgyalástechnikai készségüket fejleszteni vagy akár angol nyelvhasználatukban magabiztosabbá válni.


Miért érdemes minket választani?


Élményalapú megközelítés

Interaktív, bevonó események, valódi aha-élményekkel.


Azonnal alkalmazható eszközök

Hands-on kommunikációs eszközök – egyedi kihívásokhoz igazítva.


Különleges trénercsapat

Korábbi vezetőkből és színészekből álló anyanyelvi tréner csapat.


Készségfejlesztő Kommunikációs Tréningek

2*2 hours module

How to Hook Stakeholders With a Mind-Blowing Pitch

On occasions, you may find yourself with an unexpected opportunity to engage with a person of influence, presenting you with the chance to raise that idea that you have been carrying around in your head for some time. It may be that you bump into this person in the margins of a conference, or during a coffee break of an in-house meeting, and suddenly there they are, the very person who can determine whether or not your idea or proposal or concept should be pursued further. The purpose of this training is to develop your pitching skill, helping you to promote your ideas with key influencers inside or outside your organisation.

2*2 hours module

How to Start Speaking English and Stop Worrying About Your Mistakes

The training is designed to take us through steps and learning tools that help us shed our inhibitions and worries that we are being judged or not understood. We are going to approach this training from a fun and unique perspective, that of an actor. Actors face the challenge of making unfamiliar characters and situations believable, and their skills and tools can also be useful for us in everyday or business communication. The training is interactive, with a lot time to practice what we learn.

2*2 hours module

How to Run Meetings that Cut the Crap

Meetings, whether face-to-face or online, take up a significant proportion of our working time. There may, however, be issues regarding the quality and effectiveness of many of those meetings.  Whereas some meetings help you to move forward with your work, others may feel like a distraction or an overhead which hold you back from making the progress you want. This training focuses on helping participants to raise their game with respect to participation in meetings, with the clear objective of making those encounters more productive.

2*2 hours module

How to Make Mind-Hacking Presentations

Whether giving a presentation is part of our daily work life, or if we are asked to give one occasionally, it is something that we all want to do well. How well our presentation goes can be a deal closer, or breaker.

2*2 hours module

How to Handle Difficult Clients

Unless we are extremely fortunate, we are going to encounter individuals who are somewhat difficult to manage. In our personal lives we might have the option of simply avoiding such people, but when we encounter them in the course of our daily work, we may really have to engage with them. They may, for example, be clients, and the success of our company may depend on how well we cope with the challenges they present. This training is all about how to handle such difficult people or clients in a positive and constructive way.

2*2 hours module

How to Write Emails that Make You Smart

These days, we all end up having to write enormous quantities of emails. Our inbox is also flooded on a daily basis with an almost unmanageable amount of incoming communications and, more likely than not, many of those emails make some kind of negative impression upon us. The question to be addressed in this session is how do we go about writing emails that really achieve their purpose, that create the impact that we want them to, and which make us smart in the eyes of the reader.

2*2 hours module

How to Tell Your Stories Without Boring Your Audience to Tears

We all know those people who are just great at telling a story or a joke. They tell the story in a way that keeps us riveted, waiting to hear what happens next. What is this magic and how can we learn it, and apply it to daily life and things like business presentations?

2*2 hours module

How to Earn Respect as a Negotiator

We all regularly find ourselves in a negotiation situation, even if sometimes do not recognise it as being such. These negotiations occur in our professional life, but also in our private lives. At one end of the spectrum there may be the occasional show-piece event, concerning major financing transactions, or acquisitions, or headline-making contract establishment. At the other end, and much more typically, there are the day-to-day negotiations with colleagues, bosses, suppliers, and clients where we sort out the less spectacular but equally important issues facing us and our partners. To be effective as a negotiator we need to establish the respect of our counterparty, and this session is focused on how we can go about achieving just that.


Mit mondanak rólunk?

The How to Hook Stakeholders with a Mind-Blowing Pitch training was very well structured, clear, interactive and business related. The material was really enjoyable, and the facilitator trainer, Nick Morris made it easy to absorb due to his nice, kind, patient and funny way of teaching. The team learned the term of “pitching” and received very good tips and hints on how to implement it to day to day life and not only implement it but also how to realise a “pitching moment” and to deliver ideas in the most structured way possible.

Berzsenyi Márta

Director of Human Resources, Avis Budget Group Business Services Center

Jelentkezz még ma!

Ha szeretnéd angol nyelvű prezentációs, tárgyalástechnikai készségedet fejleszteni vagy akár az angol nyelvhasználatban magabiztosabbá válni, keress meg bennünket.
